Participating in Restoration

by Thu Ha Chow

One of our current students, Thu Ha Chow was recently a panelist at the 2020 Missional Business Form hosted by the Singapore Center for Global Missions (SCGM). The following are her reflections from this experience:

“The SCGM conference has helped me consolidate what I had been learning in my WCIU course. God’s plan to restore this planet and its people to reflect His glorious design is as Ralph Winter described it - as holistic and beyond saving souls for heaven. It also highlighted misunderstanding in our theology that has led to a dichotomous view of the secular-spiritual divide. This is hampering many devout believers from utilizing their God given talents which they feel is secular, to transform the kingdom. I believe that having the right theology is key to changing our mindsets and we must mobilize the body of Christ to recognize that the great command of, love your God and your neighbor requires us to engage with many of the social and environmental issues we face. If we are to be salt and light, we need to give a biblical response – which is not just that the world has been cursed by humankind's action, but it is being redeemed and restored and we can all participate in this restoration.”
