A 2020 Moment of Gratitude

by dr. kevin higgins

For most 2020 started like any other year, full of fresh hope, newness and anticipation. What we were handed was a year full of turmoil and unprecedented global hardship. But, as the year draws to a close I want to highlight a series of events that produced some unexpected fruit, for which I am grateful.

When COVID hit, WCIU set up a simple way to collect funds for 6 relief efforts we are connected to directly and/or through partner organizations. Those included efforts located in Africa, South Asia, and East Asia and involved projects such as work for food in rural areas, food provision in urban slums, health and sanitation for COVID prevention, and a fund that assisted with burial costs and brought us into connection with "undertakers " in the Muslim context of "Nab"

Through those relationships, a few undertakers came to know of Isa as savior.

Last week, one of those undertakers invited a leader from the Jesus movement there to meet with he and a few others for follow up. They met in one of the large cities, near a market, under a tree. There were about 10 initially. Because it was public people began to mill around. There were questions being asked about Isa, the Bible, the Quran. More people kept coming. They broke for lunch. When they returned more people were there. In the end there were over 100, and things did not break up until 8 p.m. or so.

The hunger and questions, and the sense of peace and calm, resembled everything I have heard from the earliest days of this movement (the largest I know of in the Muslim world).


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