About 1 Timothy 2...

by Dr. Grace May

Does the Bible really teach that women are not to have authority over men?  For years I thought so. Men can lead and preach in the church, but women could not. While that seemed unfair, I didn’t dare question the authority of the Bible but eventually realized I didn’t have to. To critique another person’s interpretation did not undermine God’s word, but simply affirms that no person or human institution has the exclusive corner on Truth.   

With that conviction, I began digging into the Scriptures and paying special attention to 1 Timothy 2:12. The more I learned about the background of the church in Ephesus and Paul’s particular concern and vocabulary in this letter, the more I was able to unpack the meaning of the verse.  After much study, I actually concluded that Paul in no way diminishes women but shows how supportive he is of them. The video clip below captures my understanding of the verse.

From Genesis to Revelation, God calls and raises up women to lead in their area of gifting.  So whatever your interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:12, it should be read as a part of that larger narrative.

A special thanks to Erika Lee and Women of Wonder for permission to post this video. Check them out at womenofwonder.us!