Gille Wakjira

Gille Wakjira Muleta is currently an instructor at the Ethiopian Full Gospel Theological Seminary (EFGTS). He worked at the Bale Regional Office of the Ministry of Economy and Planning in Ethiopia for seven years before receiving his call to the pastorate.  He served the Ethiopian Full Gospel Believers Church (EFGBC) as an ordained pastor at EFGBC Bale Goba Local Church for eighteen years and concurrently as the Coordinator of Regional Churches for three years and a member of the Executive Board of the National EFGBC for six years.  He then served as the Vice President of the EFGBC denomination for five years, and as a Principal of EFGTS for three years.  His research and teaching interests include missiology, sociology, methodology, and pastoral ministry.  He earned his B.Th. from Addis Ababa Bible College, MA in Ministerial Studies from Global University.

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