David W. Scott

David W. Scott is Director of Mission Theology at the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church, where his work helps United Methodists around the world to reflect on the nature of mission and how to best join in God’s mission in the present day and age. He coordinated the 200th anniversary celebration (in 2019) of the founding of the first Methodist mission society in the United States, has contributed to the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism’s work on mission from the margins and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the International Missionary Council, and is a board member of the American Society of Missiology. He has taught mission, church history, world religions, and leadership at Ripon College, Eden Theological Seminary, and through the United Methodist Course of Study. He is the author or editor of the books Unlikely Friends, The Practice of Mission in Global Methodism, Methodist Mission at 200, Crossing Boundaries, and Mission as Globalization as well as numerous articles and book chapters. He serves as the blogmaster for the UM & Global website (www.umglobal.org).