Faith, Mission and Entrepreneurship | Resourcing Urban Transformation

Session 2 with Rev. Kina Robertshaw

Resourcing Urban Transformation is webinar series offered by William Carey International University to our global network. We are honored to hear from a diverse group of experienced change makers who will expand our thinking and introduce us to innovative community development strategies. In this session Rev Kina Robertshaw shares her story as we explore faith, mission and entrepreneurship. We believe you will be encourage by her story! Leave a comment below to keep the conversation going!


Reverend Kina Robertshaw is ordained in the Church of England. She is married with four children. An Angolan refugee who grew up in Zambia, Kina, previously owned businesses in Zambia and South Africa. Before reading theology at Ridley Hall Theological College, Cambridge, Kina worked in the fashion industry and was involved in several entrepreneurial ventures. Kina holds a Master’s degree in Theology, Ministry & Mission – which included research on Christian Entrepreneurship. Her research led her to undertake interviews with 50 Christian entrepreneurs in the UK. The research was the topic of a published book she co-authored with Richard Higginson – A Voice to be Heard: Christian Entrepreneurs Living out their Faith.

She is an Associate Vicar in Bromyard Benefice, an international speaker, host of Conversations with Christian Entrepreneurs, and a passionate advocate for racial and social justice. She is also a founding member of the charity Bookbuddies Africa, which supports developing a reading culture in Zambia.