Faith and Leadership Journeys of Inspiring Global Women

Episode 7 Dimuthi Perera Samarasekera

As we hear the poignant tale of a Christian leader called to help incarcerated women in Sri Lankan jails, we are reminded of Mathew 25:44, “When did we see Thee hungry...or sick or in prison, and did not minister to Thee?" Mrs. Dimuthi Perera Samarasekera, a preschool director who ran her own school for over 25 years, tells us how she was called from her comfortable positions both as a teacher and a leader in her church to minister to female prisoners. It is heartrending to hear of the deplorable prison conditions where women sleep sideways on bare cement floors because of overcrowding. You will be inspired by Dimuthi, who, with the Lankan Prison Fellowship, has worked tirelessly to show the love of Christ to these women. The Lankan Prison Fellowship operates entirely on donations and receives no government or international funding. Dimuthi is in charge of the Scholarship Program, which aspires to educate prisoners' children and thus avert generational poverty and reimprisonment.